
BNZFS have been working silently all through years with dedication to keep society in harmony and progress with smooth settlement and integration.The task is not easy and faces lot of challenges but sincerity and dedication of the community people to make such progress steady. However, BNZFS as a community is not widely publicised or not visible in media or government sectors but continue working with people of all walks of lives, classes and ethnicities. Our silence and working behind the scene have mostly undermined our existence. BNZFS’s pragmatic approach in social engineering is unique and invaluable. We noticed BNZFS’s endeavours are heavily influencing positively on people at individual, group, community and national levels. We enhance people’s potentials what they have inherited and flourish their prosperity. BNZFS cultural showdown at its minimum or at the level of retaining identity but real change in personal life is the maximum what usually gives us an unique unit to support the essential structure of larger vibrant community. The essential elements are dearly overlooked in the traditional way of dealing with small communities butBNZFS have strategically invested and addressed them through the root causes.

  • BNZFS (Bangladesh New ZealandFriendship Society Inc.) is a charitable community organization ofBangladeshi origin and descents.
  • It was established in 1991 (as aregistered incorporated society) to serve Bangladeshi community asrepresentative body to various govt., non govt. agencies and other stakeholdersat that time.
  • Over the periodof time, the demand and need of Society havebeen shifted from representative body to serving community people nationwide,other organizations, govt. agencies and local bodies  with the pride andprestige of Bangladeshi identity.
  • To keep this paradigm shift, BNZFS needsto develop a future strategic plan for growing community’s needs in thisevolving diverse ethnic societies with respect, values and customs we inheritedfrom our roots.
  • With the advent of technology,social media, digitalization, market economy, crypto currency, climate change,caring environment, protecting languages, balance of rights of indigenouspeople including Maori and various ethnic communities it is right time tochange BNZFS’s strategic plan by keeping the main tenets of  values, custom, culture and identity
  • The changes of strategic plan to beadopted in stepwise process over the period of 2, 4and 6-10 years duration.

Community Organisations in Aotearoa

Among 114,000 NGOs, only 27,000 are registered withcharities. BNZFS is one of them. Bangladeshis have only two registeredorganization. The all NGOs generated around $20 Billion annual income with 58Billion managed assets, contributing 3% of GDP and employed 150,000 people.However, large bulks of work are done by Volunteers contributed150 millionhours in each year contributed 6% of GDP. The sector is wide and diverse. Among27,000 registered charitable organisation employed 93,000 full-time and 90,000part-time but having 230,000 regular volunteers.

BNZFS Contributions

AsBNZFS is being one of 114,000 NGOs or 1 in 27,000 registered charitableorganization, we have no paid full-time or part-time employees. However, wecontributed 0.001% of 3% GDP and managing only $1 million assets of $58Billions just having 50-100 regular Volunteers of 230,000, contributed 20,000hours in each year and raised 0.013% of 6% to total GDP.

Our Vision

BNZFS recognize, engage, integrate, promote cultural identity to expand & explore their potentials for greater benefits of the community, country & globally.

Our Mission

  • Members to be connected and enjoy seamless integration in NZ through different programs & events.
  • BNZFS provide platform where members and other can continue performing  & enjoying Bangladeshi values, arts, cultures, food, sports, language, events etc. and contribute into this diverse society.
  • To acquire BNZFS's own premises for cultural  center & camping facility to learn farming with pleasure.

Strategic Planning of BNZFS: Two Years

  • All BNZFS’s program and activities will have structured plan and resources.
  • Broadcasting, Publications, Bangla Library &  Dipshika start establishing the regular programs.
  • EEE (Events, Entertainment & Environment), CFS (Camp-Fitness-Sports),  BNZFS Volunteers & Digital team (Website, Social Media & Digital Technology) to optimize the programs to benefit the community.
  • ANAM, CMRD, Funding and EMS (Entrepreneurship, Market & Social Business)  teams to continue their work and explore  options.
  • Property Management starts looking for project of Bangladesh Centre in Auckland & Permanent Camping facility projects.
  • Functional Office: Allowing 1-3 employees to coordinate all the programs.

Strategic Planning of BNZFS: Four Years

  • All Team Leaders, Directors and Employers will be fully trained and skilled to run the programs, events and activities. Programs will have proper risk management tools, capacity building to accommodate more modernize programs and explore & expanding program to match the timely appropriate needs.
  • Publishing  programs will be updated from monthlye-newsletter to weekly e-newsletter, increase the volume of yearlymagazine  to 300 -1000 pages,broadcasting  radio program 24 hours  and more books and journal would beavailable  for library. Dipshikha will be once a week community school and looking for introduction ofother language in particular Te Reo Maori and sign language.
  • Regular events  (arts, culture) to continue with expansion of larger events to accommodate  at least 100,000 people  in every year. Updating digital platform and  expand the BNZFS volunteers nationwide. Regular Camp-Fitness- Sport programs.
  • Expanding networking at least 100-150 communities & NGOs. Involve in  public discussion in policy changing. Expanding regular program for women, children, youth & senior citizens. Continue sourcing fund and targetting to acquire $3 million to $5 millions for projects.
  • Camping Ground: BNZFS will secure fund for its own camping ground near Auckland.
  • Office premises: BNZFS is plan to have its own independent office with at least 2-6 paid employees  to delivery quality community works.
  • Target to serve 150,000 to 200,000 people. Measure the efficacy of the program by independent survey from 3rd party and compare the feed back from people with independent survey analysis.

Strategic Planning of BNZFS: Six Years

  • There will be a need to employ a CEO/General Manager for the organization due to the  volume of work that require full monitoring. Require to invest and option to explore various fundamental upgradation to serve larger community.
  • 24 hour FM radio station for community people . Bangla TV channels , continue publications Bangla Library to link National Library and Globally to support disadvantaged people. Start Dipshikha language school to teach Te Reo Maori for non-Maori, sign language and Bangla to non speakers and introduce Bangla as second language as an option at school level.
  • Yearly consolidated programs and events like International Mother Language Day, Pahela Boisak (Bangla New year), Matariki etc. in larger national scale. Incorporate  other communities in camping, fitness, and sport programs. Integrate digital technology for diverse community. BNZFS will secure fund for its own camping ground near Auckland.
  • Expanding support and networks around the country at least 200 to 400 communities and NGOs. Liaise with govt. working group to change and larger effects on peoples' lives. Encouraging social business to solve problems Target to achieve $8 to $20 millions.
  • Established Bangladesh Centre in Auckland with independent office and a community hall. Established BNZFS permanent camping ground  and rural property near Auckland (within an hour or two driving distance). Possibility to explore retirement village and or rest home to accommodate for culturally  people similar people.
  • Employing 5- 20 people in three premises: office, camp & farm. BNZFS  will have its own permanent camping facilities with rural property to open learning opportunity for  small community  people , refugees and youths  on farming targeting at least 10 people  to be trained in every  year.
  • Target to serve 200,000 to 1M  people Measure the efficacy of the program by independent survey from 3rd party, Require fidelity test to prove the exact means of core expectations  are achieved. Requires to assess value for money of the various programs.

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